5 Special tips to celebrate the holiday season

The holiday season 2020 has arrived and as this year has been a rather difficult year with a threatening pandemic sweeping the globe, the festive mood is far from being dampened and the holidays are brightening and shining with a new promise.

With all the security and safety measures that have compelled everyone to slow down a bit – food has always played a constant role despite the misery 2020 has brought.

Celebrating in the usual way of sharing and planning large gatherings and parties – the festive season has brought in a little change although the mood and the spirit remain the same.

Below are some tips to make your festive season different and yet adaptable to the 2020 situation.

1. Make sure you create menus and prepare a meal that minimizes excess leftovers, food waste, and concentrates on must-have dishes.

2. Not possible to have extended family this year or the usual gala feasts, try cutting recipes in half as this will reduce leftovers and wastage. Write down the recipe with ingredients halved. This way you will not end up using some ingredients in full with a mix up of some ingredients in halves.

3. Use the leftovers by making a burrito by adding some stuffing, leftover potatoes, turkey, and gravy. If you don’t have tortillas or wraps – use a bowl and make a soup with noodles or vegetables.

4. The freezer of course is a savior when it comes to leftovers. Most of them can be frozen for later use. This is a good way to prevent food waste. Store them in airtight containers and use them as and when you need to.

5. Holidays also mean desserts. Make enough dough to bake your cookies. Use just the right quantity. Store the remaining dough in the freezer as you can bake those cookies when you wish. You can also store cookies and keep them frozen. All you will need is to cook them directly without having to defrost them every time. Preheat your oven and place the cookies in the recommended temperature. Cook until it is done.

Hope these tips help you to keep up the celebration and spirit and enjoy the festive season in 2020.