Prevention is always the best step to take care of our health so to protect ourselves from cold and flu we should be more careful about personal hygiene and should take some precautionary measures also. Generally cold and flu both are contagious and a person should avoid close and direct contact with infected person. Respiratory droplets of infected person carry the viruses and can affect others. So if you are suffering from flu and having some other queries then consult with reliable and experienced medical professionals at West Cary Family Physicians.
Flu can affect any person but adults who are above 65 years, small children, people with weak immune system are prone to this. Any person who is suffering from heart and lung disease needs to be more careful about flu and should take necessary precautions. Generally flu gets recovered within few days or up to two weeks but unfortunately if it is not being properly cared then some people might have serious complications. Pneumonia is the result of flu one such serious complication and others can be life threatening also which can cause death. Consulting with Primary Care Doctor is the best way to deal with such health issues.